Ceremonial cacao or ceremonial-grade cacao is a 100% pure cacao-bean paste that contains a much higher quantity of beneficial, health-restoring, and mood-elevating compounds than any other cacao-based product on the market (like cacao powder, non-ceremonial cacao paste, dark chocolate, etc). The word “cacao” comes from the Mayan words “Ka’kau” meaning “heart blood,” and “Chokola’j” meaning “to drink together.” This blood connection comes from the belief that the Mayan gods bled onto the cacao pods, and cacao was considered one of the ingredients used to create humanity. It was also believed that the gods gifted cacao to the people directly. The scientific genus name for cacao is theobroma, which translates to “Food of the Gods,” and the Maya believed that cacao was a key ingredient in restoring balance and connection to the divine.
Benefits of Cacao
Cacao is a heart opener. Cacao allows for a deeper connection to self and others.
It can accelerate inner transformation and spiritual awakening. It is useful for meditation, inner processing work and shamanic journey. It allows the space to discover the feeling of unconditional love.
Cacao provides many nutrients and minerals.
It is high in magnesium, chromium, copper, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sulfur, iron, and phosphorus. It is known to lower blood pressure and improve blood flow.
Cacao can provide mood enhancing effects.
It increases serotonin & dopamine. It can bring in the feeling of joy, calmness, and bliss. It can provide a positive ourlook, releave and help prevent stress and increase motivation and confidence.
Cacao is a powerful medicine that can release stuck energy.
It is helpful in decreasing fear, uncertainty, doubt, and provide opportunity to acknowledge and release difficult/trapped emotions as well as mental limitation.
Cacao ceremonies are helpful for getting clarity, setting intentions, and doing healing work & inner-processing. Being in a sacred space helps you get out of your normal frame of mind, allowing you to experience new insights & perspectives. Depending on the intention of the ceremony they can also be wonderful places to connect with people in a safe, open-hearted environment. Sharing cacao brings us into the same energetic frequency. This often results in deeper more intimate connection with ourselves and each other.
Things to know
Cacao is beautiful and powerful medicine. Due to the current constant availability of chocolate, one may underestimate Cacao's power. Most chocolate contains a small percentage of industrially processed Cacao. Ceremonial Cacao is made of the whole bean and is much more potent. Cacao has psychoactive but no psychedelic properties. Compared to other medicinal plants, Cacao opens the layers of consciousness in a gentle, loving way and ties together what may have been disconnected; on a physical, emotional or spiritual level. Not everyones experience will be the same in a Cacao Ceremony. Cacao can be uplifting, healing, nostalgic, and may also bring an emotional release. Be gentle with yourself, respectful towards the Spirit. Cacao is meant to be drank with intention. Cacao is a diuretic and additionally helps to detoxify the body. Water (before and after) is essential to keep the energy flowing, also drink water if you feel a slight headache or slightly nauseous shortly after drinking cacao. Ceremonial Cacao is not FDA certified.
To have a more pure experience, it is encouraged to refrain from drinking any caffeine or eating food at least 2 hours before a cacao ceremony.
Cacao should not be mixed with recreational drugs as the effects of the combination are unknown and cannot be controlled. Please respect this sacred medicine. Cacao contains various compounds, including theobromine and caffeine, which can interact with certain medications, including antidepressants that are under the category of Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs. If you’re on medication, please send me an email, text, or call.
Ceremonial doses of Cacao are not recommended for those:
on antidepressants (cacao contains MAO inhibitors)
has a serious heart condition
has very high blood pressure or suffers epilepsy
Please speak to your doctor if you consider taking ceremonial doses of Cacao in any of these cases. Raw Cacao contains Histamine. Pregnant women should take smaller amounts.
Where we source our cacao from?
My partner Paul and I have had the incredible impact of receiving cacao from various places including Ecuador, Peru, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua. In previous ceremonies we have used cacao from Ecuador and Costa Rica. We had a beautiful connection with the cacao from Costa Rica and the tribes that have blessed us to share this medicine with you all. The Toltecs, Mayans, Aztecs, and Olmecs all believed that cacao was the key to creating humanity. When I hear this I believe that cacao is a tool to help us come to unity with the duality that we believe exists in this world. To have more compassion for all that exists. Each medicine from the different regions have served in such a beautiful way and we are looking forward to continue bringing in cacao from various parts of the world we connect too. The most recent cacao we will be using comes from the north of Nicuragua in Matagalpa.
I attended a Cacao Ceremony facilitated by Madleen and it was a very special experience! She attracts participants who have a lovely energy because her own lovely spirit comes through in all her offerings. I recommend attending any of Madleen’s events that you can because each one is sure to give you a lift and lighten your heart, your load, and your soul.
-Erin G, RP III. RMT, HeartMath Mentor
Wow. My heart is SO FULL and I am SO IMPRESSED WITH MADLEEN AND PAUL. The music, the guided movement, the different parts of the workshop.. it was very clear that this experience was crafted with so much love and intention.
-Alcy, Private Chef
After experiencing a car accident the night prior, I knew coming to this event would be the medicine I needed to feel safe in my body again. Walking in to the space you immediately feel held and supported by soft lighting, genuine smiles, and deep breaths. You can let your guard down. The cacao was incredibly delicious, relaxing and allowed me to sink into where my body needed extra love. I felt invited to join in the breath work, movement, and music at the exact flow and pace I needed. The way the whole experience was intuitively curated was incredibly soothing and inspiring. Afterward, the room of people were beaming with peaceful presence. Hugs, laughs, smiles, offerings, and stories were shared as we shuffled our way out the door. Paul and Madleen have a great gift in gathering, supporting, creating magic and showering people with the love we all crave.
-Rachel H, Property Manager
This event was absolutely amazing!! We have been to a few cacao ceremonies before in FL, but this blew us away. The music was absolutely incredible and the ceremony, poetry, and all the little details made this a fun, warm, & inviting space and was just what we needed. I loved the community aspect where everyone was able to share about their experience too. Thank you for making this such a wonderful ceremony!! We will definitely be attending another cacao ceremony!! ☺️
-Andrea R. Business Owner, Reiki Practitioner
Madleen’s events are so much fun!! I always try to attend when I’m available!!
-Tom K, Software Architect
Madleen's Cacao Journey
Madleen Alsabbah was called to the spirit of cacao in early 2021 through an undeniable voice in her mind. At the time, she was grappling with immense anger and grief, witnessing the displacement of her homeland’s people. As a first-born American Palestinian with citizenship in both countries, Madleen grew up deeply connected to her roots and the realities of a land marked by conflict.
Her childhood was shaped by crossing borders to visit family living under military occupation, where she witnessed the loss of family members and homes. Her father, too, experienced this displacement as a child, losing numerous homes. The events of 9/11 further complicated Madleen’s experience of identity. Returning from a visit to Palestine, she entered her third-grade year only to face a barrage of labels like “terrorist” and “Muslim, Arab,” words that left her confused, fearful, and isolated in her own identity.
This life path, Madleen believes, was chosen for her to learn self-acceptance, express herself fully, and transform the pain of her bloodline into a passion for uniting humanity.
When the spirit of cacao first called to her, Madleen knew nothing about it—neither its symbolism nor its intention. Yet, she felt compelled to sit with its spirit every morning for a month during her meditation practice, allowing herself to grieve the immense pain carried by her ancestors. During this time, vivid and heartbreaking visions arose: her grandmother losing a child, family members holding their dead relatives, and even a shocking vision of herself as a sniper preparing to shoot a family. These graphic images brought forth immense grief, and she gave herself permission to scream and mourn for the ancestors who never had the chance to release their pain.
By the end of the month, Madleen experienced a profound shift. She came to understand the purpose of pain, the karmic lessons of life, and the roles both darkness and light play in shaping our world. Yet, this transformation was not without challenges. During her grieving process, she found herself unintentionally causing pain to her partner at the time. Unable to continue supporting him as a partner, she had to release their relationship, adding another layer of grief to her journey.
Through this experience, Madleen began to deeply understand the heart medicine cacao offers—not just as a plant but as a profound teacher about life. She realized that life is a journey of karmic lessons where we both endure pain and, sometimes unknowingly, create it for others. These lessons, whether gentle or brutal, are meant to guide us toward growth, empathy, and understanding.
Madleen’s relationship with cacao has blossomed beautifully over time. It led her to meet her fiancé, who also serves cacao through his music, and to connect with a Costa Rican tribe who had suffered their own trauma—losing much of their tribe and cacao trees in a massacre driven by outsiders seeking profit from rubber trees. It also brought her together with Israelis, allowing her to serve cacao weekly alongside an Israeli-American woman during her time in Nicaragua.
Cacao has walked beside Madleen since the moment she heard its call, teaching her to honor life’s duality. It has connected her to both the joy, love, and creativity within herself, as well as her shadows, pain, and unresolved emotions. It has inspired her to integrate these forces with compassion and courage, transforming her understanding of healing into one of wholeness.
Through cacao, Madleen has learned that true healing comes not from avoiding the darkness but from embracing and integrating it. This integration creates space for deeper connection and transformation, allowing her to cultivate self-love and accept even the most uncomfortable parts of herself.
Her ceremonies are a reflection of this journey, offering a space for others to transform their challenges into inspiration, freely explore their emotions, and express themselves fully. Madleen’s work is driven by her passion for using her culture, identity, and the pain endured by her bloodline as a way to unite humanity and dissolve the illusion of separation. Whether in ceremony or beyond, she creates opportunities for others to face the emotions they may have long avoided, fostering healing and connection.
Madleen feels privileged to channel her personal and ancestral story into service, helping others transcend division and embrace unity. She is deeply grateful for those who have inspired her along the way, and she looks forward to meeting others who will continue to enrich this journey. Through her work, she invites others to experience the transformative power of cacao and the profound wisdom of the heart.
How to Integrate After CeremonY
If you aren't already involved in a community, I invite you to find places where you are able to express yourself in a safe way. Whether that is singing, through yoga, in dance, or drumming there are many different spaces and places to do so If you are looking for a place to do any of these thing, I am happy to suggest you to community pages and places where you can stay up to date with what is going on out there.
Journaling or writing is a great place where we can transmute any of our thoughts or aha moments into.
Dancing, Singing, Movement.
If you feel stuck in your body, I invite you to put on your favorite jams and dance and sing! There is no right or wrong way to do it because it is an expression from your soul! <3
For my Madison, Wisconsin folks, Here are some links to groups to stay up to date with events in the Madison area for singing, dancing, and. yoga.
Just like the cacao tree needs a lot of water to stay hydrated to share the heart medicine, so do you! Maybe whisper an intention into your water as you drink it in the morning to start your day or any part throughout your day.